Enable Travel Mode In Snapchat And Save Your Data Bandwidth


It’s a well-known fact that game apps consume more battery life than other apps. This also holds true for apps that can take pictures. If an app connects to the camera on your device, you can bet anything that it will deplete the battery faster than other apps. This also is true for many social media apps. Social media apps continually fetch updates in the app background. Facebook is well-known for depleting the battery and it’s in large part as a result of its background activity. There’s a similar case to be made for Snapchat app. Snapchat is also a social media app and it too depletes your battery and takes a toll on your data bandwidth. Luckily, you can enable travel mode in Snapchat and save your data bandwidth from being exhausted.

Enable Travel Mode In Snapchat

Open the Snapchat app and tap your Bitmoji avatar or the ghost icon at the upper left. On your profile screen, tap the gear icon at the upper right.

snapchat settings

This will take you to Snapchat’s settings. Now, scroll down to the Additional Services tab, and tap Manage. Here, you can enable the travel mode option in Snapchat.

snapchat travel mode

How Does Travel Mode Function?

Travel mode can be said to be a ‘tap to load’ feature. Normally, Snapchat automatically loads chats and stories in the app background. All social media apps do that. Both Android and iOS let you selectively suspend background activity for apps though this makes for a poorer usage. Therefore, the travel mode is a better solution to this. It will automatically load contents that are less heavy i.e. messages or text that are sent to you will be loaded automatically, But, if someone shares a snap with you, it won’t download automatically. You will need to tap the picture to download it. The same goes for the Stories feed. You will be able to see which accounts have new stories but they won’t load until you tap them.

when the stories or snaps do download to your device, they will consume the usual amount of data. There’s no way around this and travel mode doesn’t download lower resolution pictures or anything like that. The cool thing about this feature is that it works on both cellular plan and when you’re on a WiFi network. Public WiFi is well-known for its speed. If there are many people connected to it, it will be congested and most likely work less efficient than your cellular plan. In circumstances like that, it’s best for you to enable travel mode in Snapchat.


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