Tutor On How To Pin A Chat In WhatsApp


WhatsApp is one of the most prevalent messaging apps in the niche. It is second only to Facebook Messenger. They both are owned by Facebook so whatever manner you look at it, Facebook is the owner of the two most popular messaging applications available today. Unlike messenger, WhatsApp works with your cell phone number and it’s a lot less demanding to know which of your contacts make use of it. There’s likewise the fact that WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption and it gives you a chance to share files pretty easy that makes it a popular application. If you have one excessively numerous active chat threads, you may experience difficulty monitoring the important ones. That is the reason WhatsApp has included a new pin feature. You can pin a chat in WhatsApp to the top of the Chat tab and it won’t get lost in the other message threads.

This feature was recently added via an app update so ensure you’re running the most recent version of WhatsApp. The update is as of now available worldwide so there’s nothing to wait for. You just have to update the app that’s all.

Open WhatsApp and go to the Chat tab. Swipe right on the chat thread you want to pin. Try not to swipe all the way to the edge of the screen. This will mark messages in the thread as read or unread. Swipe right until the point that you see two buttons; Read, and Pin. Now, all you have to do is tap the Pin button to pin a chat in WhatsApp.

pin chat whatsapp

A pinned thread has a pin icon on the right edge. To unpin a thread, simply swipe right again and tap the “Unpin” button.

Pinned chats show up at the top of the Chat screen. It’s a simple approach to monitor them. Typically, the sequence the chat thread show up in changes and this is based on recent messages. This implies that if you have a muted group or contact with a new message, it will be pushed to the very top of the screen. This will clearly push other more important threads down. If you use WhatsApp to communicate with many people, simply finding an important thread can turn into a challenge. In the two cases, a pinned chat thread can make life simpler.

The pinned thread won’t change its position if a new message is sent or got over it. Any New chat threads that you pin recently will be added to the top this simply implies that the ones you pinned before it will now be pushed down. You must be careful not to abuse this feature. In the event that you pin one too many numbers of chats, you should search through them too in the end.



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