WhatsApp’s Web client app was launched last year January with almost all features which are supported on the mobile app. There is just one feature that was missing in the WhatsApp Web app was document sharing. While the Facebook-owned instant messaging service has released an update to its web client, which also brought the sharing of document feature onboard.
When using the WhatsApp Web client app, you can easily find the new feature under the attachment option in the chat window. Though, this feature will only work if the receiver has updated his/her WhatsApp Web app to the latest version. With the added feature of the document sharing, you can now send Microsoft Word, PDF, document files to any of your WhatsApp contact via the WhatsApp web app. Note that it is only Office and PDF documents that are being supported by the app at the moment. But that seems pretty enough to make file sharing easy as the majority of the work-related files are all present in our PCs.
This feature is now live on the WhatsApp Web client app, although WhatsApp has not made any official statement about it yet. Well to summarize, WhatsApp recently launched its desktop-based app, which has made the platform more pervasive in nature.