Top 5 Web Development Tools To Improve Your Website Performance (Updated)


In the digital period, there are billions of sites being accessed to each second for various purposes all around. Unfortunately, the majority of the sites have poor UI and UX making them super annoying to utilize due to its website performance. The sites that are not optimized strategically face a few issues, which include: slow loading time, browser incompatibility, or unresponsive web pages, to say a few.

Additionally, individuals need to access information and data faster than before. In this manner, if your website performance isn’t acceptable, you are losing profitable clients. The majority of your visitors expect that your site to load within the range of three seconds – and about a half of them will leave the site if it doesn’t load in a second. Such delays do not only decrease clients satisfaction but it also decreases your sales too.

Performance is a critical element for each website, and it has the ability to make or break it. There are a few ways through which an individual can increase the speed and overall performance of a website. This will help in enhancing client conversion, retention, and satisfaction. The two most common ways these days Web Development Company uses to enhance website performance are:

  • Utilizing a faster and more responsive hosting and server
  • Reducing the overall size of your site

When you are concentrating on performance, it has a tendency to get very hard to remember all tools that can be useful to help during development. Luckily, we have written a list of five best web development tools needed to enhance your website’s performance.

Tools To Improve Your Website Performance

Website Performance


Google PageSpeed Insights is a powerful tool that evaluates the speed of your site on a scale of 1 to 100. This helps you decide how well optimized your site is – if the number is over 85, it is performing great for your target audience. This web development tool produces reports for two platforms i.e. mobile and desktop versions of the website. It likewise provides recommendations on suggested approaches to help improve your website performance.

Google PageSpeed Insights decides and recommends how the performance can be improved on your page. The report is produced for:

  • TIME TO ABOVE-THE-FOLD LOAD: The time elapsed from the moment a visitor on your site requests for a new page to the minute the above-the-fold content is fully loaded by the browser.
  • TIME TO FULL PAGE LOAD: The time elapsed by from the moment a visitor on your site requests for a new page to the moment the browser completely loads the page.


WebPageTest is likewise a comparable tool to Google PageSpeed Insights, but it includes more than 40 locations and 25 browsers (including mobile) to choose from. The evaluating scale starts from An A and goes to F, and is computed using different performance tests. These incorporate compression, FTTB, caching, effective utilization of a CDN, etc. Also, the report is created and divided into six unique sections including summary, performance review, details, content breakdown, and screenshots for simple analyzing for the layman.


Another OpenSource tool that is utilized by developers to improve web page quality is Lighthouse by Google. The tool is integrated into Chrome’s DevTools, and can likewise be downloaded and installed as a Chrome Extension. Lighthouse by Google can also be utilized as a CLI based tool. It is a viable tool that developers utilize to measure as well as debug and improve the performance of client-side apps.


A JavaScript bookmarklet which developers can invoke on any site they have gone to is done utilizing YSlow. Utilizing this tool, developers can analyze site pages and also determine the reasons that are hampering the performance of their site. YSlow actually follows Yahoo’s rule for superior performance websites.


PageScoring — with moderate design — provides you with a basic tool to comprehend performance reports of your web pages. The initial purpose is to discover the overall load time of the site. Aside from this, it measures the following information:

  • Redirection Time
  • Page Size
  • Domain lookups
  • Connection Time
  • Download Time

This enables you to easily view what part of the site is taking time to load. It is a compelling tool if you are searching for a simple to use and understand site speed test tool.

Use these web development tools separately or couple to improve the overall quality of your website for your users. Better user experience generally leads to higher conversions, regardless of whether those are estimated as new clients for a service business or additional sales for an e-commerce store.


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